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3rd Line Hockey Faces Off Against Canine Cancer

Help shine the light on the mysteries of canine cancer!
$305 raised from 13 awesome contributors

3rd Line Hockey Faces Off Against Canine Cancer

Although our giving page is no longer active, you can still donate. If you would like to provide any additional support, please make a gift here.


"3rd Line Hockey LLC was founded on the principles of giving back to the communities that host our tournaments and to the hockey comImage of Hockey Dogmunity as a whole. 3rd Line Hockey has sponsored and contributed to veterans' charities, accident/health emergencies for our members and animal rescue along with other related causes. We are excited to be involved with Ohio State and Harley's Ride Canine Cancer Research Fund as animal lovers ourselves. We relish the opportunity to help support such a worthy cause. The three owners of 3rd Line Hockey all have dogs, three of which travel regularly to our tournaments around the country. This is a cause that is very close to our hearts as well as the hearts of many within the 3rd Line organization."

- Randy Bishop, 3rd Line Hockey

Isabella, a dog, lays with her toyIsabella, frolicking about across the
Rainbow Bridge since Feb 11, 2022

"The scariest thing about canine cancer, aside from your dog contracting it, is that it is still quite mysterious. No matter how cautious we are with how we care for or what we give our dogs, canine cancer can manifest itself. This was not something I had given much thought to until canine cancer reared its ugly head and became a frightening and harsh reality. Useful information on the topic is hard to come by, and that's because there isn't a whole lot known about it. What is floating about out there is not very comforting either. Though I hope no dog has to experience the nightmare, it's very real.

There are two reasons why I am thrilled to help raise funds for canine cancer research. One is that knowing more about what is causing canine cancer and how to prevent it will be invaluable as a dog owner, friend, parent or what have you. The second is helping the dogs living with cancer; their present and future don't have to be so bleak! We have a long way to go but every bit of support will help give dogs the chance they deserve."

- Andrew Klobutcher, Ohio Local
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