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Toy Adaptation Program Support

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
63 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Happy Holidays!

December 27, 2018

In early December, we had a huge turnout at our annual Toys For All Tots event with Nationwide Children's Hospital. In just one day, we donated over 175 toys directly to families and to Nationwide Children's Hospital departments, offices, and staff! We also helped several families learn to adapt toys themselves so that they could give more gifts to their children this holiday season. This amazing event would not be possible without our fabulous donors and volunteers. Thank you for donating in 2018, and thank you for continued support!  Happy Holidays!

A room full of volunteers aiding with toys

All Treats and No Tricks!

October 31, 2018

It's scary how close we are to reaching our goal! We're not quite there yet, but there's still a couple hours left to help us meet our target! Keep sharing with your friends, families, and coworkers and thank you to everyone who's helped us so far!


TAP is all about the treats around the holidays. Our annual Toys For All Tots event draws in families from across the country! Last year, families came to learn how to adapt toys and to take a couple adapted toys home. During this single event, TAP donated 164 toys to families and Nationwide Children's Hospital! That's a lot of treats made possible through the generosity of our volunteers and donors! 



A group from Toys for Tots stand behind table

Going Global

October 26, 2018

We're drawing near to the end of our campaign but there's still time left to reach our goal! We've had wonderful help so far but keep sharing our page and getting the word out!


The American Society for Engineering Education hosted their summer 2017 conference in Columbus. TAP was exhibited as an enrichment program within the OSU Department of Engineering Education. The conference drew in an international crowd, and industry professionals from around the globe attended a massive toy adaptation workshop! Learn more about Ohio State's involvement with the conference here!



A woman sits with a hamburger toy and wires

In The News!

October 22, 2018

We're over halfway through our campaign and we need your help! We're still a long way off from our goal but we're not giving up! Please share our project and get the word out so we can successfully reach our goal.


TAP was featured this past holiday season on 10TV and ABC6 News. Our annual Toys for All Tots event with Nationwide Children's Hospital garnered vast public interest. The media coverage helped raise awareness about our program and the need for adapted toys in our community! This year the event will be held on Sunday December 9th. 10TV's video and associated article from last year can be viewed here and ABC6's segment can be viewed here!



Two individuals sit at a table, working with toys

Big Coverage From The Big 10 Network

October 13, 2018

Week 2 of the campaign is well under way! We've had a lot of generous donations so lets keep that momentum going through the rest of the campaign! Please continue to share our information so we can meet our goal! 


When people hear Big Ten, they often think of football, but the Big Ten Network (BTN) proved that there's more to see at OSU. In 2016, BTN published a featured article about TAP to promote the program and discuss the benefit of toy adaptation within the university and local community. Take a look at the article here!


Two individuals hold up toys, smiling

Smart Girls Doing Smart Work

October 07, 2018

Week 1 of the campaign is coming to a close, but we are well on our way to meeting our goal because of the generosity of our supporters!  Thank you to all who have donated, shared, and liked this work!  Please continue to spread the word about TAP over the next month.


Did you know that Amy Poehler's Smart Girls, an organization that encourages people to be curious and innovative, featured the TAP on their website last fall?!TAP is a leader in gender equality and promoting women in STEM fields. Read the article here!



Two women work together to wrap toys at table
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5 Years

We've been doing toy adaptation workshops for 5 years!


TFAT 2018

We'll be hosting our annual TFAT workshop on 12/9 this year.



TAP was officially born in 2015 with the help of a BETHA grant.


Why We Donate

An adapted bubble blower costs $49.95 to purchase from a vendor.


Most Popular Toy

We've adapted 165 Bump N' Go Trains!


2018 Donations

We've donated 252 toys in 2018 so far.


First Year Adapters

596 first year students will adapt toys in engineering labs in 2018.


Road Trip

One family traveled 1,070 miles to attend our workshop.

Our Crowdfunding Groups