We are nearing the end of November and we’re not quite close to our end goal. We would like to thank those who have already contributed and helped Uplift! us. We encourage those who haven’t to donate to an important student organization at Ohio State! All proceeds will go towards enhancing our week long festival of events during the week of March 23-30th 2019. Even if you’re unable to give at this time we hope to see you all at the 41st Festival!
From our family to yours, Happy Holidays and have a safe and happy New Year!
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is widely known as Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations around the world for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage helping one another. On this Giving Tuesday, each 41st committee member is making an effort to give and we encourage you to do the same!
“Kuinua”, the Swahili word for Uplift!, is our theme this year! Next week on Giving Tuesday, 41st asks you to help Uplift! this student-led organization by donating and contributing and carrying on our legacy!
From our family to yours, Happy Holidays!
We've asked each event chair to tell us why their event is so special to them, why people should come out and why it's important to continuing the African American Heritage Fest legacy! In chronological order we'll start off with our first three events.
"The African American Heritage Festival has been so important to me and my time here at Ohio State, ever since I stepped foot on this campus. My first year I started off by just attending the weeklong festivities, and the first program I went to was Kick-Off. I really enjoyed the mingling aspect and how it set the tone for the rest of week. My second year I joined a subcommittee just to become more involved with the organization that I have came to love. Then my third year I became the Co-Chair for Kick-Off which has been one of the best experiences because I get to see what goes into planning such a great event that resonated with me my first year at Ohio State."
- Jahzeer Hibbert, Kick-Off Co-Chair
"Having been raised in the church all of my life, I've been exposed to praise and worship ever since I was a child. Listening to choirs, ministers, and church goers lift their voices in exaltation is an act of reverance that personally calms my soul. Coming to Ohio State and discovering these same acts of worship through song in the Gospel Festival, was comforting as I learned to navigate and define my religious life in my newfound independence away from my parents' watchful eyes. Applying to be a co-chair for this program was undoubtedly one of the easiest decisions I've made since arriving on campus.
The Gospel Fest is significant to me because it has afforded me the opportunity to experience praise and worship on campus alongside my peers. The Fest gives students the chance to experience God in a very raw and vulnerable way and ultimately unifies and uplifts our community. The Gospel Fest is open to any and everyone of all religions, races, and backgrounds. We hope to see you there!"
- Taylor Lonas, Gospel Fest Co-Chair
"Word on the Street means a safe space for creative, interactive, and awe-inspiring dialogue on issues that plague the black community. I was encouraged to apply for this event because we’re often told, as black people growing up, “what goes on in this house stays in this house”. We are dismantling that notion. We hope WOTS is a spring board for further conversations on black mental, physical and social wellness so we may continue to uplift (each other) as we climb."
- Ray Wilson, Word on the Street Co-Chair
"Aspire not to have more but to be more" This year's 41st festival theme is "UPLIFT: Aspire to Inspire". This year's festival goal is to inspire the African-American community to aspire to be more in their daily lives.
"Live a life...leave a legacy" was the theme of our 40th African-American Heritage Festival. For this commitment, you will be commemorating the past 40 years of this rich festival's legacy.
"Attract what you expect. Reflect what you desire become what you respect and mirror what you admire."
KUINUA is the Swahili word for "UPLIFT". The theme of this year's 41st Festival is "UPLIFT: Aspire to Inspire".
"And so, lifting as we climb, onward and upward we go, struggling and striving, and hoping that the buds and bloosoms of our desires will burst into glorious fruition ere long. With courage, born of success achieved in the past, with a keen sense of the responsibility which we shall continue to assume, we look forward to a future large with promise and hope. Seeking no favors because of our color, nor patronage because of our needs, we knock at the bar of justice, asking an equal chance." - Mary Church Terrell, advocate for African-American Women