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Social Change

Participation Drive
39 Donors
Towards goal of 150 Donors
$2,156.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on November 15, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Social Change

Although our giving page is no longer active, you can still donate. If you would like to provide any additional support to our project, please do so here


Two young students sit at a table with white Styrofoam bowls on the table Five years ago, by the founding efforts of the late Dr. Patty Cunningham, Student Life made a commitment to deepen Ohio State’s relationship to Columbus through Student Life; Social Change. By focusing on providing mentorship, tutoring, food and college access for residents in five local neighborhoods, what started out as a few students and one professional staff member has transformed into a thriving department with two full-time staff members, 21 undergraduate student employees, more than 100 weekly student volunteers and more than 700 annual volunteers. 

When you give to Student Life Social Change, you play an instrumental role in providing essential resources to local communities and families. With your support, we’ll continue to increase college access, encourage young students to pursue STEM fields and the arts, provide healthy food options to children and improve health outcomes in our communities.

Support Ohio State students in their efforts to be Social Change agents!

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By Students, For Students

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Sustaining Membership

Make a gift of $75 or more and become a sustaining member of the alumni association.



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