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Ohio State Men's Ultimate Disc

The LeadBelly logo with a collage of team members around it. They all wear OSU gear
Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
35 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Ohio State Men's Ultimate Disc

Leadbelly leadership has decided to use the Buckeye Funder platform for the first time this year. It will be a month-long sprint where we release hype videos, highlights and senior spotlights in order to thank all of those who have supported us this year and in years past. 

Leadbelly’s inaugural Buckeye Funder falls at a unique time when our season, along with seemingly everything else, has been put on hold. At this point we know that our Sectionals and Regionals tournaments have been canceled, but the team is still holding onto hope that we will have a chance to play at Nationals in Milwaukee. 

Gifts through this platform provide a way for us to receive 100% of what we raise during our campaign. Please consider supporting Leadbelly in whatever way you can - and stay tuned to all we have coming your way during the month of April!

Seven team members stand around the end of a field

Choose a giving level


Lead Senior Level

There are currently 10 players on the Leadbelly Roster who are either graduating or out of college eligibility and will be leaving the team after the season.


Club Founding Year

Leadbelly was founded in 1995, so we created this level as a tribute to our alumni!


Dollar per Player

We have 28 players on the roster. This level gives a dollar to each individual on the team.


Conferences Level

Leadbelly competes in a battle for the state of Ohio every year in early April. We have been lucky enough to win the Conference tournament the past 2 years!


Regionals Level

Last year, Ohio State Leadbelly won the Ohio Valley Region to go to Nationals for the first time since 2007.


Nationals Level

This year we hope to go back to Nationals and compete for a National Championship after making it to the Quarterfinals last May!


Years of Ohio State

Ohio State's Sesquicentennial, a storied history of 150 years.


Tournament Bid Fee

It costs the team about $450 to participate in any individual tournament. Your donation will help cover the cost of one tournament.

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