Hi, folks! This crowdfunding is over , but you can still donate! Just click here.
Here is what we are about:
Since 2008, engineering students at The Ohio State University have visited K-12 classrooms, libraries, and summer camps to get kids excited about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Volunteers bring all the materials on site, at no cost to the teacher. The program focuses on underserved communities. The projects are designed to be cheap - really cheap - because it’s important for a kid to build something and then take it home. Each project demonstrates the application of different scientific principles, guiding children as they learn to build a working widget. The labs, all designed by Ohio State students, typically cost between $1 and $2 per kid - but our favorite, the paper speaker, is less than a dollar!
The good news: Your contribution of $25 allows one entire classroom to build speakers and keep them. They really work! Just connect it to your mp3 player, phone, or computer.
Ohio State’s K-12 Engineering Outreach program has now visited over 90 schools and more than 65 libraries, camps, after-school programs, and the like. To date, its roster of 250 engineering student volunteers has reached more than 13,500 children.
The program has also won the Ohio State University Outreach and Engagement Award, the Distinguished Service Award, the College of Engineering Outreach Award, the Women in Engineering Faculty Award for Outreach and Engagement, and the Faculty Diversity Excellence Award. Program assistant, Clayton Greenbaum, even won the university’s Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award, as well as the Marian Wright Edelman Education Award.
It occurred to us, "Maybe people might want to help."
Then we thought, "How can we make it easy for them to do that?"
The result? Welcome to our Crowdfunding page.
Provide colored chalk and glasses for kids to learn about 3D optics.
Twenty kindergartners can make Cartesian Divers- and keep them! But I warn you, they will make a mess.
We could build 20 new heart rate monitor sensor clips from potato chip clips and infrared LEDS and sensors.
With this gift we can purchase a portable projector so we don’t have to pantomime how read a circuit schematic.
Replenish our supplies of breadboards, chips, LEDS, tape, hot glue, and resistors for a wide range of projects.