Dear Friends,
Thank you again for making our October Buckeye Ice campaign a success! We are so grateful to all of you. We have two updates and some pictures to share!
Captions for the pictures are below:
1. Byrd Center Season's Greetings eCard (this mural was designed by Maria Burns for the recently renovated Goldthwait Polar Library).
2. Lonnie and Ellen holding the new Buckeye Funder plaque in front of the current cold workroom.
3. Lonnie, Ellen and the newest member of the Ice Core Group, Abby!
The text on the plaque reads:
Buckeye Ice Cold Workroom
This room was made possible by, and it is dedicated to, the 187 donors who made gifts to the Buckeye Funder Campaign
October, 2020
The Columbus Dispatch did an interview with Lonnie and Ellen about the importance of preserving the Byrd Center's unique ice collection and the freezer facility renovation. Read the full story at The Columbus Dispatch.
On December 30, 2020, the Columbus Metropolitan Club will have an encore of One COOL Couple (if you haven't seen this before, check it out, it's an encore presentation from 2017), featuring Lonnie, Ellen and Fred Bertley (President of COSI). Click here to register.
We wish you a happy holiday season filled with everything that brings you joy! We look forward to 2021, and will keep you updated on this campaign as well as Lonnie's upcoming documentary.
Dear Friends,
We are honored and grateful for your support of the Buckeye Ice Campaign. Thank you for helping us reach our campaign goal!
Your generous support has funded a new cold workroom for students and scientists!
Your donations have also helped ensure that irreplaceable ice cores from our Earth's glaciers will be preserved for future generations of scientists, students, policymakers and humankind.
The OSU Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center has some exciting events planned around this campaign in the near future, and we will keep you updated, as we want all of you to continue to be a part of this important endeavor.
Our success would not be possible without your support.
This video documents the 2000 expedition to drill and recover ice cores from the Summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, created with footage captured by Lonnie Thompson. Glacier ice on the summit of Kilimanjaro will soon disappear. Please note, this is the first time that most of this footage has been shared publicly in the last 20 years! Video editing and animation by Pamela Theodotou, mapping by Henry Brecher and Kara Lamantia.
The Byrd Center Ice Core Freezer is home to the only ice cores ever taken from Mt. Kilimanjaro. Help us preserve these irreplaceable samples by donating to the Buckeye Ice Campaign today at We have one day left to raise the final 8% of our goal. Thank you all!
Link to video:
The picture below features some of the porters who helped with the 2000 expedition!
Dear Friends,
Thanks to each and every one of you for helping us to reach 91% of our goal for Buckeye Ice!
Today is the LAST day of our campaign and we still hope to get to 100%.
If you have time today, please share this link with your personal networks through email, social media, text messages and phone calls.
We can't say enough how much we appreciate each and every one of you, and your continued support.
Please click here to enjoy this magnificent video of a pristine ice core from the Byrd Center storage facility.
Dear Friends and Fellow Buckeyes,
We are sending all of our gratitude to the over 100 donors who have given their support to Buckeye Ice! Our campaign is now in the last week, and we have reached 60% of our goal!
Please see the attached thank you video from Lonnie Thompson and Ellen Mosley-Thompson. You can also view the video here:
Also, please mark your calendars and plan to tune into WOSU's All Sides with Ann Fisher on Tuesday, Oct. 27 from 10-11am. Lonnie and Ellen will be discussing the importance of supporting the ice core facility renovation as well as their research program. Here is the link to the show:
Go Bucks! Go Buckeye Ice!
Dear Friends,
We have reached the halfway point in our Buckeye Ice campaign. The Byrd team is very grateful for all of the support!
#1 Byrd Advisory Board Chair, Georgie Shockey, has made another $5,000 gift match toward our campaign! Thank you Georgie!
#2 Please read the Joint Statement from the Byrd Center Advisory Board on the importance of the ice core facility renovation (see below).
#3 Please enjoy this video of a Huascaran ice core being removed from frozen storage for analysis.
Happy Friday and Go Bucks!
Byrd Polar Advisory Committee Chair, Georgie Shockey, made a $5,000 gift and is willing to give $5,000 more! The next $5,000we raise will be matched by Georgie! Thanks for your support!
Dr. Emilie Beaudon cuts an ice core in her 'office', and says thank you to all who have generously donated!
Thank you for your support of Buckeye Ice − let's keep the campaign momentum rolling! Enjoy this virtual reality tour of Huascarán glacier.
Thank you so much for your support of the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center's Buckeye Ice campaign!
As a reminder, this Thursday, October 8, from 7:00-8:30pm, as part of the Byrd Center 2020 Climate Symposium we will be hosting a virtual lecture by keynote speaker Dr. Richard Alley, Falling dominoes? Ice, climate, sea level and our future.
To attend via Zoom, register at