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Support the Young Scholars Program

Raised toward our $40,000 Goal
144 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on September 11, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Thank you for your support!

September 02, 2020

We are nearly 50% to our goal with 9 days left in our campaign! Everyone throughout the Young Scholars Program thanks you for your unwavering support! Dr. Chila Thomas wanted to send you a special message. 

Thank you so much!!!

September 02, 2020

Thank you for your amazing support! We reached 27% of our goal in just 10 days!! The Young Scholars Program is forever grateful for your gifts of compassion!

Choose a giving level


Program Care Package

Provide a Summer Academy t-shirt and water bottle for YSP students


Wifi Hotspot

Allows Summer Academy students to access their own WiFi hotspot


The Road to Success Package

Provide a backpack, folders, pens, pencils and notepads for YSP Summer Academy students


Life Changing

Positively impact the lives of hundreds of Summer Academy students



Make a gift to help a student have access to their own laptop

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