50 Years - Women of the Stadium Scholarship Program

Raised toward our $50,000 Goal
23 Donors
days left
Project ends on April 04, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Celebrate with the Women and all Alumni of the Stadium Scholarship Program

2025 marks the 50th year of Women as residents of the Stadium Scholarship Program.  To celebrate, the Stadium Scholarship Alumni Society wants to honor the Stadium Scholarship Program and the Woman who were and still are part of the program.  

First, we want to keep the SSP tradition going by growing our Scholarship Fund.  Each year, thanks to Stadium Alums/Friends, we are able to award between 8-12 additional scholarships to deserving current residents in the SSP.  As part of the 50th year of Women in the Stadium Program, we have a goal of raising $50,000 just for scholarships.  Every dollar you donate will be matched up to $20,000 and this will allow us to award MORE scholarships to MORE students.  College Tuiton and Housing are pricey costs and the SSAS wants to support our Stadium Scholarship Program Residents and keep them in school. 

2nd, the SSAS wants to celebrate with all Stadium Alums with a special dinner event at the Huntington Club at Ohio Stadium.  Save the date for Saturday March 22, 2025 starting at 4pm.  We want to honor the women thru the last 5 decades who have been part of the Stadium Dorm, Mack Hall or Honor East/West houses.  Check out details at go.osu.edu/ssp-anniversary-50

Go Buckeyes!  Go Women of the Stadium Scholarship Program

The 2024-25 SSP Women Leaders


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50 YEARS of Ladies in SSP

Women have been residents of the Stadium Scholarship Program for 50 years. Your $50 will help current students continue their studies at The Ohio State University while developing leadership and personal skills in the SSP.


92 years STRONG

The Stadium Scholarship Program has now been in existence on The Ohio State University Campus for 92 years. Whether you were part of SSP in the Ohio Stadium, Mack Hall or the East or West Honors Buildings, being part of the Stadium Program has created many friendships and helped developed many young women & men to succesful future careers.


How Firm Thy Friendship

Every Stadium Scholarship Alum has kept in touch with at least 3 other folks from their dorm days. Go ahead, get in touch with them and let them know their contributions are really supporting some great current students!! The Stadium Scholarship Program is alive and well at Honors East & West Buildings on West 10th Ave.


1975 Women live in the SHOE

1975 was the first year that Women became residents of the Stadium Scholarship Dormitory in Ohio Stadium. The Stadium Scholarship Program has developed strong women leaders. Help us continue that tradition by contributing to our SSAS Scholarship Fund

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