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Bringing Water to Marwa Village 2017

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
104 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 31, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Celebrating our work and World Water Day

March 26, 2018

The Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community program is every mindful of how our work in Marwa sits within the context of the greater Global need for water. On 22 March we celebrated World Water Day through a training program for some of our students. 

The SRTC was privileged to host Ohio State's Asst. Prof. Audrey Sawyer from Earth Sciences and Dr. Zuzana Bohrerova, Research Specialist and Assoc. Director of the Ohio Water Resources Center, to present and share training on the tools and techniques that will be used in May. Audrey and Zuzana worked with Callia Tellez, Kierra Wiggins, Tyler Sarver, Emma van Dommelen, and CJ Gerber from the Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community’s 2018 water testing team. The time and expertise that Audrey and Zuzana shared is greatly appreciated.

The work that we are doing with the University of Dodoma, the Kilimanjaro Hope Organization and the people of Marwa to address the water needs of the villagers is valued and appreciated by all our stakeholders and partners. It is so important to provide, clean, safe and accessible water. The installations of the rainwater harvesting systems onto the schools will not only provide access to water but also an opportunity to educate the students on health and sanitation practices and importantly lighten the burden of the families, especially the women and girls, to provide a daily water allowance for each student.

In celebration of World Water Day we are sharing a video of the launch of the rainwater harvesting system in June 2017.

Your support is valued and appreciated. Please share our story with your family, friends, peers and colleagues.

Please share:

A teacher discusses an object with students
A woman points to a bucket with students watching
Five individuals work together at a table

2018 Campaign and update

March 13, 2018

We would like to thank you for your support and affirmation of our work.

Our 2018 Buckeye Funder Campaign is live and we are at 24% of our target to raise $6,000 to build the next rainwater harvesting system at the primary school in Marwa Village.

Please share and support by cutting and pasting this link:

The plans for our May 2018 travel with students from Ohio State and the University of Dodoma are progressing and there is much excitement and focused work. We are very fortunate to have two of our 2017 cohort from Ohio State travelling back to Marwa with us this year – Patrick Sours and Cj Gerber. Both Patrick and Cj undertook the May 2017 student service as part of their Civil engineering capstone and both stayed on in Same/Marwa to be a part of the inaugural SRTC Intern program.

Patrick is now a Grad student doing his Masters’ degree in the College of Food Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and he will be travelling as the assistant resident director to Prof. Hagenberger as well as staying on to undertake 3 weeks of independent research examining the issues surrounding the implementation of new technologies and innovation in the intercultural space. In 2017 his internship focused on documenting and reporting the construction process for the rainwater harvesting system onto the Marwa medical clinic, he then reviewed this process and has identified a range of potential innovations that he will be negotiating/implementing with the local Team in Marwa/Same. He was also a member of the 2017 CEGE capstone design team for the Marwa medical clinic rainwater harvesting system.

Cj is in the final stages of his undergraduate Civil engineering degree and has been an integral member of the Buckeye Funder team as well as very active in the water testing team and the capstone team that is designing the filtration system for the big system that will bring water from the Pangani to each of the four Marwa sub-villages. His internship work focused on reviewing, with recommendations, the location and access for the Same Town market – his 2017 report was critical in assisting the Same District Council to focus their decisions on the future for the market site.

The SRTC is committed to working with our students and the local people of Marwa, Same and Tanzania to build a sustainable and resilient future together. It is through your support that we are able to do this. Please keep updated via:

Thanks you! Asante sana! Ashen oleng!

1st photo: Cj (centre) with Kierra (Right) and Ryan (Left) working on he Buckeye Funder

2nd photo: 2017 SRTC interns sharing a break with Kateri from the Kilimanjaro Hope Organizati

3rd photo: Patrick atop the near completed tank for the RWH system in Marwa 2017

Three students work together on laptops
Six individuals sit together at a yellow table
A man stands on the top of a brick well

2018 Campaign launches 1 March 2018

February 27, 2018

We are preparing to launch our 2018 campaign on 1 March 2018 and we wanted to share a sneak preview of our video presentation with you.

Through your valuable support in 2017, we installed our first rainwater harvesting system onto the Village medical clinic.  In the months following, we received positive feedback from the local doctor and nurses that this system has positively contributed to improved health and safety for village residents particularly the young mothers and new born babies.  

The students and our Tanzanian partners are working hard and focused on building our second rainwater harvesting system (RWH) onto the primary school in Lesirway starting in a few weeks time and coinciding with our next student service learning trip in May. This system is being funded through the additional funds that were generated in the 2017 Campaign - again our thanks to you!

As we built the first RWH system we rigorously documented the process and have since that time studied and reflected on the process and are working with local people to introduce a number of innovations aimed at improving the effectiveness and cost efficiencies.

The money raised through the 2018 campaign will be used to pay for the materials and equipment employing local tradespeople and to facilitate the communications and planning for the construction of our next rainwater harvesting system onto the primary school in Marwa. Any funds raised surplus to our need for the rainwater harvesting system for Marwa primary school will be committed to building future systems in the community and for education and sensitization programs for improved health and sanitation initiatives related to bringing water to Marwa. We are committed to working with the people of Marwa Village and building their capacity and skills so that the contributions we share are sustainable.

Your continued support is making a real difference to the lives of the people of Marwa. Please embrace this opportunity – if you have any questions or suggestions please contact any of our project leaders. Asante sana (thank you in Swahili). Ashe oleng (thank you in Ki Maasai).

2018 a big year for MAJI MARWA

January 11, 2018

Greetings to our SRTC friends, families, peers and colleagues,


The SRTC Team would like to wish you all he very best for 2018 and thank you again for the support that you pledged in 2017.


Professor Michael Hagenberger and Tony Duke travelled to Tanzania in December and spent time with SRTC partners at the University of Dodoma (UDOM) making plans for UDOM student participation in the May 2018 program as well as time in Same Town with the Team from the Kilimanjaro Hope Organization (KiHO) strategizing for 2018 and beyond.


A primary focus on the visit was to spend time in each of the four sub-villages of Marwa and consult with the community on the impact and understanding from the May 2017 intervention and to discuss ideas and opportunities for work that needs to happen in May 2018. At this stage it was also important to spend time with the community to identify and detail clearly what they are and will be contributing to the MAJI MARWA program as it moves forward. Time was also spent working on plans for the next rainwater harvesting system for the primary school in Lesirway.


Prof. Hagenberger was also able to visit the Marwa Clinic and have a discussion with nursing staff and check out the rainwater harvesting system that was installed in May. The system was in good condition and there were many stories shared of the value of the system and appreciation to all the students and our SRTC donors.


We are also proud to announce that contracts have been negotiated and signed with the Philips Lighting Foundation, Solar Sister and the Kilimanjaro Hope Organization (representing the SRTC) to pilot the Lanterns for Learning program in the schools of Marwa Village in the Same District of Tanzania.


Lanterns for Learning is the SRTC’s initial response to the educational and energy needs that were identified by the Marwa Community in the September 2016 Community Consultation.


The Lanterns for Learning program will enable the students and families of Marwa to access solar (lantern) technology to encourage and support participation and performance in their education and life-long learning. 500 hand held lanterns (with phone charging capacity) will be distributed to the students and families in the initial 12-month pilot program commencing in February 2018.


Additionally, thirty (30) home lighting systems, each with two lamps will be installed into the classrooms, the teacher’s residences, the nurses and doctor’s residences, the medical clinic and the Village Council offices. Solar Sister have also committed to working with a number of Women from Marwa Village and the Same District training them in entrepreneurship for solar and clean energy technology and assisting them to set up and run small businesses through a 12month training and enterprise establishment program .


To support the work that is required to make Lanterns for Learning work effectively the Philips Foundation - has also contributed a cash allocation to the Kilimanjaro Hope Organization to cover storage, staff, transportation and administrative costs.


If you would like more detail or to actively participate in the Lanterns for Learning program please contact: . More information will be shared as the program develops. 


The SRTC thanks you for your interest and support and we invite and encourage you to share our success and achievement:


Again our thanks and best wishes for 2018!!!

A man talks to Marwa adults in concrete classroom
A drawn waterdrop with words inside
A bullet list of what the Marwa people will do

A time for thanks and appreciation

November 22, 2017

On behalf of the Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community Team we are writing to thank you for your support and affirmation. It has been a very positive year for our program with many small successes. We have just confirmed the students who will participate in the Spring Semester pre-travel course and May 2018 travel and it is very exciting to meet so many inspiring young people who are working to make our World a better place.

In December Dr Michael Hagenberger and Tony Duke will travel to Tanzania to meet with the staff and students at the University of Dodoma and then travel onto Marwa Village. In Marwa there will be community meetings in each of the four sub-villages discussing the impact of the May 2017 program and reviewing options and plans for 2018.

Our initial Buckeye funding campaign - of which you so generously contributed to - raised funds for the completion of the Rainwater Harvesting system on the medical clinic - completed June 2017 - with funds left for us to start the planning to install a second system at the Primary school in Lesierwai sub-village in 2018. This will be a major items for our December meetings.

As we move towards Thanksgiving Day here in the USA we wanted to share some photos and memories of our time with the People of Marwa. We give thanks for the opportunity and privilege that we have and we give thanks for the joy and resilience that the People of Marwa Village share with us. We would also like to THANK YOU for your acknowledgement and affirmation and we look forward to sharing more and to working hard to make our World a better place. On behalf of the SRTC Team we wish you and your Families and loved ones a joyous and safe 2017 Thanksgiving!

A teacher speaks before young children in Marwa
Men lean and climb within a tree
A woman wearing a dress holds a leashed goat


September 08, 2017

We are all back in Columbus after a successful and profound time working with the people of Marwa village and our Tanzania partners.

The construction of the rainwater harvesting system onto the Marwa Village medical dispensary was successful and we were told last week that since it’s installation there have been eight (8) successful births at the clinic with attributable benefit to the ready access to potable water from the system.

In our Team we had a journalism student Ris Twigg who has written a blog that shares the story and has links to some great photos that document the process. Please visit:

Our approach was to work with the local community leaders and local contractors to manage the construction, employing local people to circulate the funds back into the local economy. It also gave our students and staff a great opportunity to learn from the Local people how they build infrastructure – this is vitally important to how we together, build capacity and skills with our Tanzanian partners over time.

The fundi / project manager was Mr. Gaudance Kakie, a very experienced man who came out of retirement to manage this project. Mr. Kakie had worked for 10 years as the District Water Engineer in the Same District and prior to that 10 years in the same position in the neighboring Moshi District – we were indeed fortunate to have his knowledge and leadership.

Ohio State (Lauren Hoffman, Luke Lamorelle and Patrick Sours) and University of Dodoma (Hartha Said) students documented the process photographically and produced a collection of these images as a teaching resource as well as designing and developing a manual (in English and Swahili) for the maintenance and operation of the system.

As we neared completion of the system it became evident that with the new system in place the next rains were not anticipated for at least 4 to 5 months. We agreed to find additional funds to purchase 15,000 gallons from a supplier in Same Town and have it transported to the site so that upon completion the Clinic staff could start utilizing the benefits.

The launch day for the official “tap turning” was a day of rejoicing and celebration. The women of Marwa have choir under the leadership of the head nurse – they had written and sang songs especially for MAJI MARWA.

This initiating project came in a few hundred dollars over budget leaving enough for us to begin planning with the Village council for the installation of another system. The proposal currently under consideration s for a rainwater harvesting system to be built onto the primary school in the sub-village of Lesierway. Details of this will be confirmed and announced over the coming weeks.

Again our thanks and appreciation for your generosity and support. Please keep to date as we build the program and start preparations for 2018 and beyond:

For more information or enquiries please contact:

Three individuals cutting a blue ribbon
A man works a spicket, filling an orange bucket
Construction workers build a brick well

A new target with your support we can achieve this…

March 21, 2017

Thank you all for the support that you have shared with us. We have achieved our initial target and can confirm that we will be installing the rainwater harvesting system on the Marwa Village medical clinic in May 2017. As at a few minutes ago were are at 121% with a pledged amount of $6,095. Can we raise $10,000 with your support we know we can!

The design that we have for the rainwater harvesting system is replicable to other sites in Marwa and we are now targeting the funds to build a similar system onto the Marwa primary school.

As you know each day the women and young girls are walking to bring water to their homes and additional to this each day every child is required to bring a small container of water from their homes to the school to help with personal hygiene and cleaning of the school facilities.

Let us keep this interest and support growing – please share our challenge and invite you friends, family, peers and colleagues to bring water to Marwa Village. Remember to visit our Facebook page: and our new Instagram page: srtc_2017.

Thanks you! Asante sana (thank you in Swahili). Ashe oleng (thank you in Ki Maasai).

The pictures below are from Marwa primary school when we visited in May 2106.

A teacher speaks before young children in Marwa
A closeup shot of Marwa children in uniforms

Over half way to our goal!

March 13, 2017

Again our thanks and appreciation for your generosity and support! We are at 69% of our target $5000 and we are confident, that with the growing interest, we will meet if not exceed our goal.

Students from the University of Dodoma (UDOM) in Tanzania will meet our OSU students in May to work together on the Maji Marwa program. The UDOM students come from the Schools of Earth Sciences, Business and Sociology, together they will work to initiate, progress and implement a diverse range of integrated service projects in the village of Marwa’s four sub-villages of Marwa, Patteli, Lesirway and Njakatai. The first implementation project is the rainwater harvesting for the Marwa medical clinic. Maji Marwa is a long term program grounded in a values-based participatory development process. The long term projects include:

  • the design of a Pangani River Water system that includes river inlet, water treatment, pump and distribution network.
  • an existing water bore hole will have a solar pump and distribution system designed
  • women’s enterprise and education programs developed in partnership with existing women’s groups.

All of these projects are informed by the consultation and priority setting with the people of Marwa and our Tanzanian partners.

Please visit, share and like our Facebook page – . It is vital that this story is shared and that your, our friends, families, peers and colleagues are acknowledged and supported to join with us on the journey to bring Water to Marwa village.

Asante sana!(Swahili)  Ashe oleng! (Ki Maasai) Thank you!

Top photo is CEGE Capstone students and Local people on site visit at the Marwa medical clinic in May 2016.

Individuals surround a mid-construction house
A large group of students and staff inside a class

STRC moving forward with appreciation...

March 06, 2017

Asante sana (thank you very much) to everyone who has so far supported the Bringing Water to Marwa village project so far. We are grateful for the support we have received and are excited to announce that we are 40 percent of the way to raising the needed funds to install a rainwater harvesting system on the Marwa village medical clinic!

We have been asked what happens if we raise more than our $5,000 target. All additional money raised will be used for addressing the ongoing water needs of Marwa village. If we raise $10,000 we will with the extra $5000 be able to install a rainwater harvesting system on the Marwa primary school and if we raise $15,000 we will be able to install one on the pre-school in Njakatai sub-village. Let's make a splash and push our potential and generosity!

This morning we received a phone call from Mr. Kateri Daniels, Executive Director for our Tanzanian NGO partner, the Kilimanjaro Hope Organization, he was with Mr. Elifuraha Masoni, the Chairman of Marwa village, they shared, "We thank you all for your work and contributions. We are humbled that you are all in Ohio in the USA and are working so hard for us to have water in our village. It is so valued and appreciated we extend our thanks. Asante sana! Ashe oleng!".

Please continue to work with us and pledge your support - please share and link our posts and visit our Facebook page for updates:

The top photo is our Team (from left to right) Ris, Reel Patrick and Victor making plans.

The bottom one is Mr. Daniels on the left and Mr. Masoni on the right at the Same downtown bus station making plans!

Four individuals work together on a paper
Two Marwa villagers hold a piece of paper
Choose a giving level


Sharing good health

Clean water is vital to good health.


Giving hope

Living in a Developed country we can take access to clean water for granted


Taking action

By making this donation you are taking action to support a village to have access to clean water


Sustaining efforts

The challenges are great and the work demands a dedication and commitment from us all


Water for Health

Providing clean water to the medical clinic will ensure an overall improvement in the general health of the Villagers


A big difference

Water at the medical clinic could mean dramatic reductions in disease and infection - your donation will make a big difference


Leading change

Your donation will support the Villagers to lead the change that seek in striving to make a safer world for their children and their children's children.

Our Crowdfunding Groups