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Carmen Ohio Themed Orchestral Composition

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
34 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Parking Information

April 23, 2018

Dear Donors,


Tonight is Buckeye Philharmonic's Spring 2018 concert, at which we will premiere the commissioned piece Echoes of Scarlet!  We hope you can join us tonight.


Concert Date & Time: Monday, April 23 at 7:00pm

Location: King Avenue United Methodist Church (299 King Ave., Columbus, OH)


Important Parking Information


There are multiple events at the church this evening.  Therefore, parking may be limited.  The Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra has reserved an additional lot, located on Pennsylvania Avenue just north of King Avenue on the west side of the street.  This parking lot is owned by CampusParc and is normally a permitted lot.  However, permit enforcement is suspended this evening to allow additional parking for our concert patrons.


There is surface parking available on the west and south sides of the church.  Additionally, the surrounding streets offer free on-street parking.  A map of the surface lot locations is included with this message.


We hope to see you there tonight!

A map with various parking options

Talking With The Composer

April 06, 2018

At our rehearsal last Monday, we were able to video chat with the composer from our commission project, Jason Wyse!  This was a great way for our musicians to meet the person behind the music that we have been rehearsing for the past few months.  Our musicians had the opportunity to ask him questions about the composition and learn more about who he is.  Mr. Wyse also rehearsed his piece with the orchestra and put some finishing touches on it to really bring it to life!


When this commission project was in its initial planning phase, a live collaboration with the composer was highly anticipated.  To this point, this orchestra has only performed works of deceased composers.  Thus, many decisions about how to perform the piece are left up to research and interpretation.  It is such a treat to be able to work with the composer in real time and shape the piece so that it truly reflects what is in the composer's head.


All of us are extremely excited to share this fantastic composition at Buckeye Philharmonic's upcoming concert on Monday, April 23, 2018 at 7:00pm.  The concert is located at the King Avenue United Methodist Church (299 King Ave, Columbus, OH 43201).  Admission is free.  Check out our Facebook event:


We all hope to see you there!



The Musicians of The Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra at The Ohio State University

Students sitting in a music class with instruments

Our Work Begins

January 20, 2018

It is an exciting time for our orchestra!  Music has been distributed to the musicians, who will meet for the first time on Monday.  We are particularly excited to have received the music from our commission - a commission that was made possible by you, our wonderful donors!  The piece, written by Jason Wyse, is entitled Echoes of Scarlet: A Fantasy on "Madrid" (Madrid being the Spanish hymn that Carmen Ohio was born from).


This commission project and our upcoming rehearsals will culminate in a concert presented on Monday, April 23 at 7:00pm at the King Avenue United Methodist Church in Columbus, OH.  We hope to see and meet all of you who played a part in making this project a grand success!  The concert will be streamed live online; details for viewing the stream will be sent as the date draws closer.


The full program for the concert is as follows:

LEONARD BERNSTEIN / arr. JACK MASON - West Side Story selections

MARK POPPER - Hungarian Rhapsody (featuring Jasper Simon, cello soloist)

JASON L. WYSE - Echoes of Scarlet: A Fantasy on "Madrid" (World Premiere)

ANTONIN DVORAK - Symphony No. 8 in G Major, op. 88


Wish us well as we begin our rehearsals for this upcoming concert!


Yours Musically,

Musicians of The Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra at The Ohio State University

The beginning measures of Echoes of Scarlet

Thank You for a Successful Campaign!

November 14, 2017

Dear Supporters,

    We did it!  Thanks to the wonderful support this project has received, The Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra will be receiving and performing an original composition honoring this educational institution.  To all of our donors...THANK YOU!!  Your support means so much to all of us; we are immensely excited to begin working on this piece and to share it with all of you next May.

    Thank you for recognizing the value of this unique organization and supporting us in our efforts to expand our repertoire accessibility in order to further the education of our musicians.

    In the coming months, we will continue publishing updates on this project.  You will be able to track the construction of the piece, our rehearsals on it, and the culminating performance.  And, of course, we will publish the May concert date, time and location as soon as those details are finalized.

    All of us in this organization are eager to get to work and deliver a product that justifies the tremendous support that our donors have shown.  Again, thank you!

     Humbly, Musicians of The Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra

'Thank You' with string players in the background

A word from the composer, Jason Wyse

October 19, 2017

The Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra is extremely excited to announce that just over halfway through our campaign we have raised over $2,000 for this commission.  This is extremely exciting and humbling!  To all of our donors, we are immensely grateful for your belief in this project.  We are eager to share the outcome of this project next May!

In the meantime, we sat down with the composer, Jason Wyse, who shared his thoughts on this project in this video.

Please continue to share this project and spread the word!  GO BUCKS!

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The pressure is on!



Written for two people. Duets are always fun to play with your musical friends!


String Quartet

A popular medium for chamber music. Did you know that Joseph Haydn wrote 68 string quartets, on top of his numerous symphonies and other compositions?


String Orchestra

An orchestra consisting solely of bowed string instruments. A vast amount of repertoire is available for string orchestra, ranging from classical compositions of Mozart and Haydn to 20th century compositions of Stravinsky.


Symphonic Orchestra

Make room on stage for, at times, up to 100 musicians! A symphonic orchestra is comprised of four groups of instruments: strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.



Be named on every copy of Jason Wyse’s piece as a co-commissioner!

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