Veterinary Medicine: Reunion Challenge

Decades Apart, Hearts Still Connected- Join the College of Veterinary Medicine's Reunion Challenge. 

Reconnect, reminisce, and engage in friendly competition with classmates as we celebrate our milestone reunions.

Participate in the College of Veterinary Medicine's Reunion Challenge!

Each year individuals from classes celebrating their reunion contribute to honor the anniversary of their DVM education with a friendly competition among reunion classes. In addition to attending your reunion on October 26, 2024, we invite you to join fellow classmates in supporting the college as we celebrate these exciting milestones. 

About the Challenge 

The Reunion Challenge is taking place from now until December 31, 2024.  All classes between 1974 and 2009, celebrating a 5 or 10 year reunion, are invited to join in on the competition. The challenge is based on PARTCIPATION. The class with the highest percent of classmates contributing to funds within the college will be crowned this year's winner.  Join the classes of 1978 and 1992 as the winners of the challenge. 

How to Make a Gift and Help Your Class Win

  • Online: Click Give Now' button above. 
  • Phone: Call 614-292-2281 and have your credit or debit card information ready to make your gift.
  • Mail: 
    • Please send any checks made payable to: The Ohio State University 
    • Please mail to The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, 1900 Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210 
    • In the memo line, write the fund name that you would like your donation to go toward 

You can also contribute to the fund via check, credit card, IRA, appreciated stock and estate gift. For questions on making your gift, please contact Hannah Pierce.

Does your class have a class scholarship? Please write the fund's name in the "other" section and we will make sure your donation is directed to the correct fund. OR click on the following link to go to your class's giving page: 

Our Crowdfunding Groups