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Elevating the Collegiate Recovery Community

Raised toward our $7,500 Goal
88 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on September 30, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

The Home Stretch!

September 29, 2016

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

We have been blown away by all of the support you have shown us this month. September is National Recovery Month and we have been busy celebrating it on and off campus. We brought a signing wall to various parts of campus this month and had faculty, staff, students and even Brutus sign it to show their support for people in recovery. President Drake issued a proclamation recognizing the month of September as National Recovery Month! Pretty cool, huh! 

We are in the home stretch of our Buckeye Funder campaign. Thank you to everyone who has already donated and spread the word. Help us break the record ($12,915) of the most money ever raised in Buckeye Funder history and show everyone just how strong the Buckeye recovery community is!

In service, 

Sarah Nerad


Day in the Life

September 28, 2016

As a student in the Ohio State Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC), I am often asked how I manage to maintain my recovery while in school. Being a college student can be an overwhelming experience, but thanks to the CRC I come to campus everyday knowing I have the support of my recovery community and have rediscovered my purpose in life. With National Recovery Month and our Buckeye Funder campaign coming to an end, I decided to make a video to show what a day in the life of a CRC student looks like.

It's not too late to get in your donations and help us beat the Ohio State crowdfunding record of $12,951. I’d like to thank you for supporting myself and all of the students in recovery at Ohio State.  It truly is a blessing to be able to attend such a wonderful university that supports us in our recovery. As a student in this community, the continued love and support from our allies both on and off campus give us all a constant reminder that we are not recovering alone, and that we are all Buckeyes for Recovery.


 A CRC Student

P.S. Apologies for the shakiness of the video! We learned a great deal about what NOT to do while making all of these Buckeye Funder videos! 

Scarlet, Gray and Sober Tailgate

September 23, 2016

My first few weeks have been so wonderful at Ohio State. I am so proud to say I am a student here and I would not have been able to say that without the help of the CRC. This program has also allowed me to go to my first tailgate and a sober one at that! A place where I can be myself and feel safe with a lot going on around us. Not having to worry about others wondering ‘why isn’t she drinking, she’s not only older then us, but she’s no fun either!'

We had a perfect view of the stadium and could hear all the fun music being played. The food provided was incredible and the diversity represented by the CRC and the student athletes was awesome. We all came together to celebrate the football season together, sober. As a mom, I loved seeing these young students show up, and to know they were not out there partying or drinking. I am honored to be a part of such an amazing program at Ohio State.

This recovery community has done so much for me in the short time I’ve been a part of it. Not only have I become connected with like-minded students in recovery, but I have also been able to be myself in the greater Buckeye community. This sober tailgating experience has been one that I will never forget, and with your help, will be able to continue to offer these for current and future students in recovery and those that want a sober tailgate.


Beth Tjoland, CRC member

P.S. Thank you to Ohio State University Athletics & the Student Athlete Support Services Office for sponsoring our 2015-2016 sober tailgates! 


Tour of 1230 Lincoln Tower Pt. 3

September 19, 2016

Welcome back to Part 3 of our 1230 Lincoln Tower tour! We hope you have enjoyed getting to see our space and learning more about what we do up at the CRC. College course loads stop for no one and there’s no better place for a pick me up than the Keurig machines in our kitchen. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of K-cup choices to pick from on a daily basis.Thanks for everyone that has played a part to make this possible!

You can also get a glimpse into the staff's offices. This is one of the services that photographs won’t do justice. The staff members here work tirelessly to offer us a better and more authentic college experience. Whether it’s sitting down to talk about life, difficult classes, professional advice, or sports (with Ahmed), or the importance of getting plenty of sleep (with Sarah), Sarah and Ahmed always have time to chat with us students. They genuinely care and it’s not something we just see, but we feel.

We reached the initial goal in RECORD time for our Buckeye Funder campaign, but all of the generosity and support makes us believe we can go even further! What you all have helped accomplish has been a truly remarkable thing to see as a student in recovery in the CRC. There is still plenty of time to help us continue to assist students in recovery to accomplish their goals and graduate from The Ohio State University. Go Bucks! 

-Rob Schilder, Student in Recovery


Tour of 1230 Lincoln Tower Pt. 2

September 12, 2016

Welcome back to Part 2 of our 1230 Lincoln Tower tour! What you see in the pictures below are our Prayer & Meditation Room and our Arts & Crafts Room. As the semester is in full throttle, it is always important to unwind and get back in a balanced frame of mind. These are the go-to destinations for whenever we just need to take a deep breath and ease up off the gas.

We are also almost half-way through our Buckeye Funder Campaign and have nearly reached our goal!! It has been a very exciting semester to be a student in this community. Not only have we had the opportunity to enjoy all the beneficial services provided by this community, but we’ve had the chance to see how much support we have both on and off campus from all of your donations. Thank you to all who have donated this far, and let’s shoot for $10,000!

-Rob Schilder, Student in Recovery


Tour of 1230 Lincoln Tower Pt. 1

September 09, 2016

Welcome to our home! We’ve been grateful to have 1230 Lincoln Tower as our dedicated CRC recovery lounge for almost two years now. You may be curious about what exactly we do up in the space we worked so hard to earn for our students in recovery. Nearly everything you see in our lounge has been donated to us so we can create the extraordinary student experience for our students in recovery at The Ohio State University. We are proud to say that our 2,000 square foot lounge is open to our students 24/7 by swiping their student ID.

This is Part 1 of the 1230 Lincoln Tower tour. What you will see below is our main room that you first enter into. It is stocked with school supplies, recovery literature, comfortable seating, board games and foosball! The last picture shows one of three study rooms that students can use. There are two computers that they have access to as well as unlimited printing.

We are nine days into our campaign and ALMOST at our goal of raising $7,500. What do you say we try and raise $10,000?!? Thank you to everyone who has already made your gift and shared the campaign with others.

Providing students in recovery with a safe place on campus is essential to both their academic success as well as their recovery. Please help us continue to keep our space, programming and support services going strong.

Choose a giving level


Giving Step 1

We admitted this is a worthy cause and that making a gift is manageable.


Giving Step 2

Came to believe that giving to this cause will restore them to financial stability.


Giving Step 3

Made a decision to turn our checkbooks and credit cards over to the CRC as we understand them.


Giving Step 4

Made a searching and fearless examination of our bank accounts.


Giving Step 5

Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our giving.


Giving Step 6

Were entirely ready to make a generous contribution to the Collegiate Recovery Community.


Giving Step 7

Humbly asked ourselves if we have been of maximum service to our fellows recently.


Giving Step 8

Made a list of all persons we had contributed to and became ready to collect tax write-offs from them all.


Giving Step 9

Made a direct donation to such persons whenever possible, knowing when doing so that it would immensely help them and others.


Giving Step 10

Continued to make spectacular contributions and when we were unbelievably gratified in so doing, we promptly admitted it.


Giving Step 11

Sought through generosity and compassion to do the next right thing for the Collegiate Recovery Community, hoping only to increase their chances of personal and academic success.


Giving Step 12

Having had a spiritual experience as a result of so much giving, we decided to create an endowment for the Collegiate Recovery Community, and to practice kindheartedness in all of our affairs.

Our Crowdfunding Groups