We admitted this is a worthy cause and that making a gift is manageable.
Came to believe that giving to this cause will restore them to financial stability.
Made a decision to turn our checkbooks and credit cards over to the CRC as we understand them.
Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our giving.
Were entirely ready to make a generous contribution to the Collegiate Recovery Community.
Humbly asked ourselves if we have been of maximum service to our fellows recently.
Made a list of all persons we had contributed to and became ready to collect tax write-offs from them all.
Made a direct donation to such persons whenever possible, knowing when doing so that it would immensely help them and others.
Continued to make spectacular contributions and when we were unbelievably gratified in so doing, we promptly admitted it.
Sought through generosity and compassion to do the next right thing for the Collegiate Recovery Community, hoping only to increase their chances of personal and academic success.
Having had a spiritual experience as a result of so much giving, we decided to create an endowment for the Collegiate Recovery Community, and to practice kindheartedness in all of our affairs.