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Although our giving page is no longer active, you can still donate. If you would like to provide any additional support, please make a gift here.
2012 started out strong in this competition with 16.1% participation and climbing to 59.7%. Overall, 38 of their classmates participated in the competition at some point. 7 made a gift through each round.
We want to also thank the Class of 2008 who had a great month of competition as well, finishing at 50.9%.
Some additional fun facts:
More information will be shared in the summer edition of the BuckEYE Magazine.
Mark your calendar for March 1, 2023 when Macular Madness will return!
Although our giving page is no longer active, you can still donate. If you would like to provide any additional support, please do so here.
We’ve made it to the final 2 classes – 2008 and 2012. They have both worked hard to grow class participation throughout the challenge. Just one more reminder that you only have TODAY to make your gift and see which class will come out on top.
I want to also say THANK YOU to the Class of 2007 who had a 27.3% and the Class of 2009 who had a 35.3% in the final four round. Those are amazing numbers, but this competition has been fierce.
Congratulations to the classes of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2012 for making it to the Final Four.
There are only two days to make a gift in this round – March 28 and 29. I will do calculations on March 30 and then the final two will only have March 31 to make their gifts with the winner announced on April 1.
Also, I want to do a shout out to the class of 1998. They had a 38.1 donor percentage in their Elite 8 round. While they were beat out by the class of 2008’s 41.0%, it’s still amazing and we appreciate their effort.
Round 4 has come to an end and we’re doing calculations today to determine who goes on to the Final 4. Results will be up around 9:00 on Monday morning.
Classes in the Elite 8 have through Saturday at midnight to make their gifts. Final 4 begins on Monday. The classes still battling are:
1982, 1992, 1998, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012.
Major props to Brad Johnson in the Class of 2008 for having the most class spirit by making a gift of $20.08.
Congratulations to the classes that are still moving forward.
I want to make a special shout-out to the Class of 2003 who had a 17.7% donor percentage. That would have bested most of these other classes, but you happened to be up against 2012, who seems to be very serious about winning this competition.
As we get closer to the end of the month, each of these rounds get a little shorter. This one only runs from March 24 -26. Three days to make your gift (but if you felt like making your gift today, before tomorrow’s reminder email comes out…it would find its way into Round 4).
A big THANK YOU again to everyone who has participated.
Who will we see in the Final Four?
Sweet 16 results are coming later today to see who made it to the Elite 8.
I wanted to take a minute to explain the class percentages as I had some questions about them this week. The percentage shown is what that class had in the previous round to beat their opponent and move on. The opponent's percentages are not shown as they are not advancing.
Let's look at the class of 1998's journey for an example. Their first round was against 1997. 1998 had 9.5% and 1997 had 1.6%. 1998 advanced to Round 2 and I shared the giving percentage of 9.5%. In the second round they beat 1989's 0% with 9.5% again and they moved to Round 3, showing their percentage from Round 2. So when we post the Elite 8, if 1998 moves on we'll show their percentage from Round 3 against 2014.
Send me a quick email if you have questions -
Today is the first day of Round 3, which will take place from March 19-22. You only have through Tuesday night to make a gift if your class moved on. Remember that all the percentages reset to zero for each round.
There are a few classes that are crushing this tournament. The competition heats up this round – especially for the classes of 2003 and 2012. Who will move on to the Elite 8?
Finally, there was another instance of a class that was saved in this round. There were two classes competing against each other that had no participation in Round 2, so instead of 0% class getting to move on to the next round, I replaced them with the Class of 2004. They had the highest participation for a class that lost to its opponent this round and have moved from the ‘Contacts’ quadrant to the ‘Iris’ quadrant.
Welcome to Round 2. Round 1 was a huge success with 123 people participating. Thank you for supporting the college through this challenge so far.
A few things to note in this round:
Remember, if your class made it to Round 2, all the totals reset to zero and you’ll need to make another gift to stay in the game.
Round 2 is much shorter than the first round – March 13-17.
Finally, we had some class competitions where both classes had 0% giving. So a handful of classes have been SAVED and have moved locations in the bracket. These saved classes had high success, but still lost to their opponent, or lost by less than a hundredth of a percent. It didn’t seem right to advance a 0% class and not recognize these other classes. Here’s who was saved – check the bracket to see your new location: 1976, 1982, 1992, 2002, 2004, 2008