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Life's Short, Eat Dessert First 2023

Raised toward our $16,000 Goal
86 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Online Silent Auction -- the countdown is on

October 20, 2023
My Life’s Short, Eat Dessert First online Silent Auction will end on Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 5:00 PM EDT.

The donations to the Silent Auction this year are incredible with several new donors -- there's something for everyone!
  • lots of food-related and restaurants options
  • fun experiences (behind the scenes, COSI, Franklin Park Conservatory, CAPA)
  • 7 simply gorgeous handmade quilts of various sizes
  • 6 golf-related packages
  • autographed items
  • things for kids
Several packages were added during the week. To view new items, click on the "All Items" dropdown and select "Newly added items"

Tips for using this Silent Auction platform:
  1. Register an account -- it's simple, only asks for name and email and then you create a password. This will allow you to bid and receive updates to the Silent Auction. 
  2. If you have an account from last year, you may use that account rather than registering again this year. You may use the same email and password. If you forget your password, simply reset to create a new one.
  3. Items are listed in alphabetical order, but there are lots of ways to locate specific items. Click on the "All Items" dropdown to filter by category or use the Search function
  4. Scroll down to see a complete description of the item. Several have multiple photos too.
  5. If you want to watch an item, click on the Heart below the Bid box and then you can get a list of just those items you are watching by clicking on the Heart in the top bar
  6. You can get a list of those items you bid on by clicking on the Star in the top bar
  7. Anyone can participate, so share with your friends and family!!
My Life's Short, Eat Dessert First online Silent Auction runs through Saturday, October 21 at 5:00pm EDT.

Have fun bidding and join me in raising a lot of money!! All of the Silent Auction items are donated with 100% of the proceeds going to The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research.

With much gratitude,
Paula Brose – 16-year Breast Cancer Survivor and Thriver



Choose a giving level


16th Annual Event

Make a gift of $16 in honor of the 16th annual Life's Short, Eat Dessert First event!


Life is Sweet

Make a gift of $25 gift to represent the 25+ delicious homemade desserts that will be on the dessert buffet at the 2023 Life's Short, Eat Dessert First event.


Lifesaving Discoveries

Make a gift of $41 to represent the 41 breast cancer clinical trials The OSUCCC-James has open right now. James' scientists are making discoveries each day so more people will survive and thrive after a cancer diagnosis.


Friends and Family

Make a gift of $150 to represent the more than 150 friends, family and survivors who attended the event and/or donated to the 2022 Life's Short, Eat Dessert First event.


Help Give Hope

Make a gift of $1,000 to help give hope to the 1,000 new breast cancer patients seen at The OSUCCC-James per year.

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