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Weather and Climate in Your Community – A New 4-H Project Book

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
7 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 31, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Weather, Climate and Climate Change 4-H Book Funding

Although our giving page is no longer active, you can still donate. If you would like to provide any additional support, please make a gift here.

How do we know what tomorrow’s weather will bring? What’s the difference between a watch and a warning? Where can I find historical trends for my community? How can I build thermometer from a few simple items?

Building on growing demand for STEM education materials and a successful Exploring Polar Science 4-H project book released three years ago, our team will design a series of activities for use in an advanced-level 4-H project book. We will host youth programs to gather feedback and refine the materials in collaboration with Ohio 4-H. The book will include opportunities for building instruments, examining authentic local data and exploring weather and climate careers. The completed book will be available through Ohio 4-H's online store and submitted for national distribution. Activities from this project book will also be designed to support efforts of Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists who have completed Ohio weather, climate and climate change training and are working to offer youth programming.

The Exploring Polar Science book has already distributed more than 1,000 copies in its first three years and could be accessed electronically during the pandemic. We estimate demand to be at least as strong for this new Weather, Climate and Climate Change project book. Your contribution ensures that project books are provided to youth as close to printing cost as possible.

Make your gift today!

Donors who give $25 or more will receive a sticker in the mail.

View this video to learn more about our plans for this new 4-H book and to learn about how we can match your donation!

Choose a giving level


Quarter Page Donation

To develop a quarter of a 4-H book it costs about $25. Your donation could fund part of an activity for youth in Ohio to learn more about weather and climate.


Half Page Club

It costs about $50 to develop half a page of material for a 4-H book! This donation would contribute greatly to educating youth on weather, climate and climate change.


The Full Pager

This donation would help to fund a whole page of material and information for youth in Ohio to learn more about weather and climate in Ohio with a range of hands-on activities.

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