With just four days left in the 2018 LiFEsports campaign, we are only $675 away for being able to support 15 youth at camp this summer.
Please continue to share the work of LiFEsports to your family and friends so we can continue to offer these amazing experiences to youth and their families during the 2018-2019 academic year!
And don't forget, all donors who are able to give one day of camp for one child ($50 or more) will receive a commemorative OSU LiFEsports 10-year anniversary pin as our thank you for helping us continue this Buckeye tradition.
This past weekend, the Ohio State University's Department of Athletics hosted the LiFEsports Spring Game! While the rain put a damper on our scheduled pre-game activities, it couldn't stop our youth and their families from showing their Buckeye pride and spirit at the game!
With 14 days left in our annual campaign, we've already surpassed our campaign goal! We couldn't have done it without you! The funds raised thus far will enable LiFEsports to send 11 youth to camp this summer. Can you help us make it 15 youth by raising $15,000 by the end of the campaign on April 30th?
Please continue to share the work of LiFEsports to your family and friends so we can continue to offer these amazing experiences to youth and their families during the 2018-2019 academic year!
Provide transportation for one youth to and from camp all four weeks of camp
Provide one child the opportunity to participate in camp for all four weeks