Today is the last day to donate! I want to think everyone who has donated so far and would like to encourage you to spread the word on this last day. For a little inspiration, here are a few words from another team member on what being a part of club softball has done for her:
I joined the OSU Club Softball team to continue my passion for the sport after high school without the major time commitment of a varsity team and while pursuing a great education. I’m so glad I made the decision to join because it’s helped me stay active, meet new people, manage my time better and have something to really look forward to each week.
I especially love the competitive and supportive environment of our team which has undoubtedly been the root of our success. The atmosphere in a game setting is incredible as we hone in and combine our individual skills and athleticism in this collaborative effort to come out victorious. It’s truly awe-inspiring to see us in action. This team is definitely a “once in a lifetime” kind of team and I’m thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to play with so many talented athletes and even more amazing people.
I’m extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this exceptional team. I am so blessed to be a part of this Club Softball family!
-Gianna Baroni
Thank you for all of the love and support that you have already given. We are in the final stretch of our fundraiser with 6 days left! As a little bit of encouragement, here is a word from one of our players about her experience with Club Softball and what it has meant to her to be a part of this experience:
Since I was five, I played softball but decided not to take it to a collegiate level due to my major and my main focus being school. I stopped playing when I was 18 for the first time and thought it was fine until it came time for me to move off to college. I started at OSU Newark and honestly, it was super hard making friends and meeting people. I hated Newark and contemplated moving home many times even when I transferred here, to main campus, I thought of it. During that time of doubt, I attended tryouts and made the club softball team. Being on the team even for such a short amount of time so far has changed my experience and mindset.
I have met so many amazing girls who share the same interests especially in playing competitively and giving it our all on the field. It is nice to be a part of the softball club with school because we all have fun while still focusing on ourselves and school. I don’t feel consumed with softball and it does not surpass my focus on my studies. Lastly, the softball club has made me fall back in love with the game. Growing up I didn’t have the best coaches which is why I stopped playing which I started to regret. Yet, once I made the softball club team, I finally felt like I was home and comfortable. I missed the piece of me that I left behind and it is even better to be sharing it with these amazing girls now.
-Madison Jones
Thank you to everyone that has already donated! We are at 28% of our goals with 23 days left. If you know someone who hasn't donated and you think would like to, please send them our way. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, I would love to talk.
Thanks for all of the love and support.
Go Bucks!
Good news! We played a double-header against Bowling Green University on Oct. 20 and we won both games!
We won the first game 6-4 and the second game 4-3. We could not have done this without your support and we want to thank everyone who came out to watch.
The fun continues this Sunday, Oct. 27 when we'll take on Ohio University at their field.
This week we are preparing for our next set of games. I have provided a video of some of our girls at practice. Thank you all again for the love and support and we hope you will continue to spread the word so we can keep achieving and get to Nationals!
Go Bucks!
The regional tournament in Annapolis, Maryland is 440 miles away
The national tournament in Columbus, Georgia is 670 miles away